Wimo Ambala Bayang


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1st day display at Heden and walk with Urs Pfannenmuller :D day 19


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Maarten’s work

These works were made in Jogja when we were together in Landing Soon#7 programe

My works

Maarten Schepers and his work

Coffee time:)

Urs Pfannenmuller came

Michiel also came

We say goodbye to Michiel, and Urs would take me to some places (artistic tous:))

Urs take me to some exhibition in the Hague

I forgot whose name of this painter statue

He made this panorama painting

I was not allowed to take picture in this panorama museum, but.. ya sometimes we have to be little bit rebel :p

There is Indonesian restaurant in front of the panorama museum.

Then we went to Royal Art Academy

There were some exhibition from its student.

Urs told me about painting class that he used to teach

Urs Pfannenmuller

I met Lucy Yaprak, she is exchange student from Turkey

She made this Carrot mask 😀 It is so funny, isn’ it?

On the way back to Ur’s place

Urs showed me his place 🙂

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Visiting Floris and Ineke day 18


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This day i met Floris Schonfeld on the way back to DCR, and he invited me to come to his studio at 3rd floor to have some cofee 🙂

He just got Balinese and Sundanese music

He showed me his three short films on his computer

Then gave me dvd of his short films project

He told me about his opera project, which related with Klingon. Oya Floris has Klingon dictionary :D, and he made these Klingon heads 😀


Kaplaaa! (*succsess-Klingon)

I showed him my Video Battle project:) . Nice to meeting you Floris 🙂

I saw Ineke Van Der Wal’s door was opened then i came in, “Hi Ineke!”

She just want to leave at that moment

It’s nice to see you Ineke, can i borrow your ‘the Good the Bad and the Queen’? “yes sure, anything!” She said 😀

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Mauritshuis, the Hague day 17


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Another untitled film still heheehee 🙂

Mbak Melati back to German

Walking time, Good Afternoon Prins Van Oranje 🙂

“You should visit Mauritshuis…”, He said 🙂

“Yes, please come…” She said 🙂

“Please, come in..” (she seduced me:)

Ok, then

But, you can’t take picture inside 🙁

Back to the pipes 🙂

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Rotterdam for the first time, International Fim Festival :D day 16


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Mbak Melati played with her photo booth wearing my Batman mask for her Facebook photo profile 🙂 She stayed in my studio for two days after her lecture in Nijmegen, and we planned to go to International Film Festival Rotterdam 😀

We went to Rotterdam to watch some film, it was the last day of the festival.

It was easy to find the festival venues, they put many sign that led us to

We were late for Edwin’s film (Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly)

New Logo

It was nice, i felt like a whole city celebtrates the festival 😀

Blind Pigs Who Wants to Fly’s trailers, I am proud beacuse i know him, he is one of my friend 🙂

We went to Cinerama for ‘Dada’s Dance’ and ‘Kantata Takwa’

We didnt have tickets for Dada’s Dance, but they said just try to wait untill 30 minutes before the show, if you are lucky, yes we were lucky 😀

We watched ‘Dada’s Dance’ by Zhang Yuan before ‘Kantata Takwa’ by Gotot Prakosa/ Eros Djarot

People on the line for ‘the Chaser’

Another film Festival in an art gallery, hehee 😀

‘Untitled Film Still #1’ hehee 🙂

Met Indonesian guys on train, actually i saw them in the cinema we watched same movies ‘Kantata Takwa’, their name are Julius (left) and Firman (right) they are living in Delft, they are from Bandung.

‘Untitled Fim Still #2’ hehee 🙂

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Amsterdam 3rd time, with Krijn Christiaansen, day 15


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While waited for Melati Suryodarmo, Krijn showed me these interesting architectures

He must be legaaa… 🙂

We went to Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Design Departement where Krijn and his team did a workshop in Warsawa

Textile Departement

What a small world, i met Szuga Szu there 🙂

Waiting for mbak Melati’s friend

Finally, they met each other, her name is Monali Meher

Krijn had to leave, back to Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Girls talk 🙂

😀 they hurted theirself hehehee

Dinner time

Monali’s house

See you 🙂

to Amsterdam Central Station

to the Hague

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Have FUN ! Boys and Girls :D day 14



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Mmm it was shinny day, hey look, it’s look like a face (lego), isn’it ?

Mees (son of Ellen and Maarten) made a presentation about Indonesia in his school, and he’d like me to come and gave a presentation to his class about my work and also doing some interactive works with the students, so it was a lot of fun 😀

So, Maarten toke me to a shop which is i can find plastic fangs that i used to in my previous intercative project 🙂

It was great to come to this such a shop like this hehehee 🙂

Mees in his presentation about Indonesia, he told us about a lot of things, also about his experiences when he and Teide (his brother) were in Indonesia.

It was pitty because my external hardisk can’t be read in their computer, so we had visit Cemeti Art House website to see my recent works

Met Kees Koomen, his child also study in the same school like Mees and Teide 🙂

Yes, we don’t have to be shy, because it is FUN,
yes FUN 😀 hehee

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Came to Stroom Den Haag day 13


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I came to Stroom, there was a photo and videos
exhibition of Mark Pimlott, threre were a lot of people there, i thought it was the opening, i met Michiel and he introduce me to Arno a man who in charge in Stroom, they told me that it wasn’t opening but, people just came after a funeral of a dutch photographer from the Hague, his name is Gerard Fieret 🙁 it’s strange, because it’s just view days ago that Maarten Schepers told me a sad story about Gerard Fieret.

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Meet and greet day, Hello Goodbye day 12


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Today i have to say goodbye for Arya and Sara, but at the same day Nha (a friend from Berlin who used to work in Ruang Mes 56) come to meet me for small inerview before she leave to Berlin at the evening, Nha and her friend Philip (they are both stay in Gerard Holthuis’ place) they come to Holland for International Film Festival Rotterdam.

we go to Sara’s place, between Nha, Sara and Arya they met in Yogya at past time, now they will see each other to say hello and goodbye

they clean up the house, and ready to go to Indonesia

now we are in Gerard’s house

no, not this, it is Thai restaurant, called Pink Elephant (i don’tknow where is it but nearby Gerard’s house)

Gerard mentraktir us for dinner in his house

one of the Pink Elephant’s Chef

on the way back to Gerard’s place

dinner time, i ate nasi goreng

Nha would go back to Berlin, buy bus

take care nha 🙂

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Come to Heden office in the Hague, day 11


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Michiel Morel showed me an art magazine


there are Terra’s work (on the left page) and mine (right page:)

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Amsterdam for the second time:) day 10


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yesterday was Saturday, i went to Man Ray exhibition at Foto Museum Den Haag with Roos and Matt also meet Arya & Sara, i didn’t bring my camera.

and today we go to Amsterdam together with Sara Nuytemans and Arya Panjalu 😀

windmil and graffiti

the smoke look like Chinese Dragon

hehehe 🙂

it’s look like Eko Nugroho’s work, isn’t it? 😀

“I’m flying Jack!” (TITANIC 🙂


Sun Flower

the Kiss

mm.. who ride this troley?

the kids are discussing 🙂

the kids still discuss

it’s an interesting public art, i think

come to see exhibition at De Veemvloer, Opposites Attract: On Dialectics, whom Sara’s works were shown

Ulay’s works

Maria, Arya, Maria

MariaMaria’s work

mm… whose work is it?

Pondok Indah (Expensive area/houses in Jakarta)

Los Brengos 😀

Deathproof !


Ninja’s stuffs

so now,it’s time to put my camera in the bag, sorry:)

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