Wimo Ambala Bayang


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Artificially Natural


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 I had been thinking and sometime capturing about these kind of weird or strange things in my surroundings but then, these situations could be identified in two words as “Artificially Natural”by Agung Nugroho Widhi;  (clever! i was very inspired bro:)
So, this interesting situation remind me of him, you can check his personal blog http://statusavailable.blogspot.com/

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Rurung (Rumah Warung:)


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Shop, Ticket Windows and Dwelling, my other way of seeing on Sekaten Alun alun Yogyakarta


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Magelang, 1 01 2011


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Again Mom.. I am sorry, i couldn’t get yellow roses 🙁 so i bring 
another yellow flowers, i know that you do not mind and always
be ok :’)
Wina Motor 😀

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Mr. December


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Chinese Family Portrait


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Chinese family posed in front of Mao Zedong statue opposite of Cultural Exchange Center building in Lijiang, Yunnan province.

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A half house, half palace, half bamboos


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I found a half house half palace and half bamboos in middle of a farm field in Muntilan after big eruptions of Merapi

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Naked winter in studio 3 [DCR]


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self portrait as A Sunflower

It is too cold for me as an Indonesian in the winter time here :-‘( meler :-‘)

Thanks God I have seen a lot of things in my first week, it will be more and more new things to see… 🙂

It always be complicated, with all of these winter costumes, i always forget to bring one of my hand 🙂

But, there always be warm times here in the DCR studio, sleep like volcano 8-x

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Durian Runtuh…


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Durian runtuh adalah sebuah perumpamaan lama apabila kita mendapatkan rejeki nomplok. Padahal Durian itu kan berat, keras dan berduri. Saya sependapat dengan teman saya Akiq AW, yang lebih kritis menanggapi perumpaamaan tersebut, kenapa rejeki nomplok diumpamakan dengan mendapat Durian runtuh? Ada apa dengan Durian yang runtuh dari atap kamar saya beberapa minggu lalu ?

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We wish we were A Military General


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As a children in Indonesia whom growth in New Order period, become a soldier or part of Indonesian military were one of aspiration which were most people or parents desired.

Specially me, who lived in Magelang, city that become center of Indonesian Army Forces.

Today is 65th anniversary of Indonesian Military Forces, so this post just a piece of nice memory outside the horrible memories about military in Indonesia and anywhere else in the world…

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